I am so excited to have been nominated for my first award! Thank you C.T. Westing!
I recently started blogging as a way to decompress during the grueling editing process of my first book, which took almost four years to write.
I’ve been a little overwhelmed, navigating through the blogosphere. But though I may be late to the party, I hope I am able to contribute to the merrymaking!
Seven random things about me:
- I am a TCK (Third Culture Kid)
- “Beduwen” is a play on the beautiful Arab nomad – the bedouin
- I’m afraid of snakes
- I was a French teacher in a private school
- I love Goldfish (the snack crackers)
- I worked at the rodeo in Mt Isa, Australia the summer I graduated from college
- 7 is my favorite number
My nominations for the award are (and if you’ve already received it, well, I think you deserve it again):
Now I’ll pass the baton….
The Rules:
1. Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog.
2. List seven random things about yourself.
3. Nominate 15 other bloggers for the award.
Filed under: Are You Kidding Me?, Uncategorized Tagged: bedouin, expat, French teacher, goldfish, Mt. Isa, One Lovely Blog Award, rodeo, snakes, TCK, Third Culture Kid